3rd Sunday of Lent
Every time we say "yes" to something, we're at the same time saying "no" to lots of other things. When we say "yes" to someone in marriage, we're saying "no" to all of the other people we could possibly spend our life with. When we say "yes" to having kids, we're saying "no" to lots of our freedom and comfort...and sleep. When we say "yes" to God, when we decide to enter into a relationship with God, that means we are also saying "no" to lots of other things. But for the sake of that relationship, those "no's'" are entirely worth it! I'd invite you today to rethink how you see the rules, regulations and practices God asks of us in the Bible and through the Catholic Church. Maybe all these little "no's" are actually beautiful (sometimes inconvenient and difficult, but beautiful) ways that we can live out our big "yes" to God.