16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week, no matter where you're at, I am challenging you to take one real step in prayer. I don't care where you think you're at now - whether you only come to church when you're visiting Grandma and Grandpa, or whether you have a daily hours long prayer regimen that you have followed for years - no matter where you are I want all of us to intentionally take one step in prayer this week. Disciples are Quick to Pray. Disciples are Committed to Growth. Let's get a two for one this week and take one step toward growth in prayer!
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Rabbi" means "teacher". "Disciple" means "student". In Israel, 2,000 years ago, there were a couple formulaic statements that a rabbi would use to call a disciple and then invite that disciple to take on the rabbi's worldview and become like him (one statement we find in today's Gospel!). Then at the end of this period of formation, the disciple is sent out to teach others what he learned from his rabbi. We are disciples of the Great Rabbi, and Jesus has sent us to witness to what we have seen, heard, learned and experienced!