3rd Sunday of Lent
Jesus is serious in today's Gospel: "But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" When we sin, we choose 'Not-God', and we get exactly what we want - 'Not-God' - that's the definition of hell. Jesus came to save us from this choice, so He calls us to repentance - to take full responsibility for our mistakes and to beg for God's forgiveness, to turn away from sin and turn toward God. Then Jesus can finally do what He's been waiting to do - He can take away our sins and fill us with His life! Then we know, by experience, the mercy of the Father.
2nd Sunday of Lent
In the midst of our Lenten journey, we catch a glimpse today of Jesus transfigured in glory atop a mountain. This Jesus who was seen by Peter, James and John is the same Jesus who has appeared to us, who has tangibly broken into our life at moments, who has woken us up, if only for an instant, to the reality of His presence in and around us. What are some of your mountaintop moments? These experiences are meant to strengthen us for the journey. When the road seems too long, remember the view from mountaintop, and keep your eyes open...who knows when you'll suddenly find yourself on top of another mountain?
1st Sunday of Lent
Lent is a great opportunity for us - an excuse to slow down a little bit, turn off the TV, turn off the radio, and spend some extra time with our Father. Our Lenten practices shake us out of our daily routine and provide us an opportunity to look up to our God. Jesus in the desert wins against the temptations of the devil by looking up to His Father for strength. In the midst of your Lenten practices, do you do them by your own will power? Or do you let these practices turn your heart and mind to the Father in true and honest prayer? Then even the simplest actions will give your faith a supernatural strength.
Ash Wednesday
The ashes of today remind us that we are dust, and to dust we shall return. But in the certainty of death is also our hope - we know that we are more than ashes, that the Lord has breathed life into this dust, that we are filled with God's Spirit, that death is not the end - we're headed somewhere! So, how are you doing on the way? What Lenten practices will you take up in order to better hear God's daily calls and act on them? Lean on Jesus this Lent, and He will give you the strength to live it!
Some Lenten daily reflections I suggest:
Dynamic Catholic: Best Lent Ever - http://dynamiccatholic.com/bestlentever/
Bishop Barron's Daily Lent Reflections - http://www.lentreflections.com/
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God's calls to us often come as thoughts, just simple thoughts. It's easy to miss them if we're not paying attention, or, if you're like me, you reason yourself out of them. But God is calling to us daily, in little moments, to witness to our faith, to reach out to others, to pray for others, to share our experiences of the Lord. As Lent quickly approaches, how will you resolve to do something positive this year in order to hear these little calls of God more clearly in the daily grind?