30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus calls us to be His disciples, but true discipleship involves a relationship with Jesus - a relationship built on a thankful, joyful love, not an imposed duty or obligation. Our Psalm proclaims, "The Lord has done great things for us!" What great things has God done in your life? Out of that thankfulness is where we begin to live true discipleship!
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God wants to walk with us in our struggles. Jesus came to us in our sin and weakness and suffering precisely so that He could walk through it with us. Jesus doesn't avoid suffering, He takes it head on, trusting that not even suffering can separate Him from His Father. And we as Christians are called to that same mission. Following Jesus means learning to suffer in love, learning to walk through our difficulties with Jesus, and then to walk through difficulty with others, as Jesus did.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The rich young man comes to Jesus asking what he must do to inherit eternal life. Having followed all the commandments from his youth, Jesus invites him into the Major Leages, to follow Him in a deeper way...and this good young man walks. There are lots of 'good' people in this world, but the only thing that matters is whether we are willing to choose Jesus. Are you willing to put something down in life in order to pick up Jesus? We've only got two hands: what are you holding onto?
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Gay Marriage - living in the tension of showing genuine love, care and concern for every person as a child of God and walking with others through any struggle they may encounter, while standing for our belief in marriage as a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman - distinction between supporting a person and supporting actions/lifestyles - let's be the example of faithful love and true care for ALL!