3rd Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:42 describes what the very first followers of Jesus did: “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Those sure sound like the 4 Marks of a Disciple…because they are! Christianity isn’t a belief, or a set of beliefs, it’s a way of life, it’s a path to be walked. And that path looks like followers of Jesus being Quick to Pray, Joyfully Sacramental, Intentional in Relationships, and Committed to Growth. Let’s live this way of life we call Christianity! Let’s keep walking this path together!
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter! Imagine…imagine that you go to bed one night, and when you wake up in the morning the world has been transformed overnight. Everything that you envision for a better world, all of the change you’d like to see — in societies, situations, individuals, countries — it all happened, magically, overnight.
Now…when you wake up that morning and as you start going about your day...what do you notice first? What do you actually experience as changed?
This is what I did…except for our parishes: so what did I see when I woke up and everything I envisioned for an ideal life of Catholic followers of Jesus here in the greater Hayward area changed overnight? What did I experience? Listen to find out!
Palm Sunday
Everything Jesus did, He did for individual people; everything He did was personal. His life, his preaching, his healings, his interactions, his suffering, his death, his resurrection - Jesus did all of this for individual people; it was personal. He didn’t do it to “do right” or to “be good”; he didn't do it for a moral code; Jesus wasn’t an impersonal “do-gooder”. Jesus did everything we celebrate this Holy Week for us: it was personal. And everything Jesus still does in our world and in our lives is personal.