Merry Christmas!
Come, they told me — pa rum pum pum pum
A newborn King to see — pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring — pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King — pa rum pum pum pum
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
So to honor Him — pa rum pum pum pum
When we come.
3rd Sunday of Advent
We were created by God for the kingdom of eternal life with him; by our own free choices to turn away from God and ‘go at it on our own’ we’ve been captured by the kingdom of sin, death, darkness and Satan. Jesus becoming a baby at Christmas is the invasion of one kingdom (the kingdom of darkness, hell, death, sin and Satan) by a stronger kingdom (the kingdom of God).
Jesus came as a warrior, a predator. He became one of us, waited 33 years, lived and taught the kingdom of God by example, both showing us the way and luring in his quarry — Satan, the devil — and then finally on the cross Satan fell prey to the trap set for him in a manger decades earlier!
Jesus on the cross is not poor or helpless. He’s not the hunted. Jesus on the cross is the aggressor and the hunter. And so when death unknowingly took in its jaws, chewed up and swallowed the Author of Life, something extraordinary happened: death itself was slain from within! That's the good news that we have to share, that's why we can be full of joy this Advent -- Christ has conquered, and we can now live in His kingdom, if we so choose.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
3 Levels of the Heart
God wants to give us peace at the deepest level, a peace which endures all things.
1st Sunday of Advent
During this Advent season we will be doing a 4-part homily series as we Journey to the Manger together to welcome the Christ-child at Christmas. Our story starts with God’s incredible creation - of the universe, and of each of us - and the hope that it promises.
As Fr. Riccardo says: “God created and runs this immense universe, and nothing is more important to him than you and me…He thinks you’re worth the trouble.” That’s what it means to be created!
So on this Journey, when you are feeling “drowsy” from “the anxieties of daily life”, I encourage you to take a moment and look at the world with fresh eyes. Allow God to reinvigorate you with hope. Pause and be filled with wonder each day.
“O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder,
Consider all, the worlds thy hands have made.”