4th Sunday of Lent
This weekend I am speaking on the Third Mark of a Disciple - what it means to be Intentional in Relationship!
Last weekend Deacon Brian gave a great homily on the First Mark: Quick to Pray. That can be found on our Hayward Catholic website in text format (https://haywardcatholic.org/recent-homilies) or, as he sings a couple verses from country songs, you may want to listen to him preach: click into the live stream section, select the 3/11 recording, and fast forward to his homily! (https://haywardcatholic.org/ecatholic-live)
1st Sunday of Lent
In this first Sunday of Lent I unpack the second mark of a disciple of Jesus Christ: being Joyfully Sacramental!
Ash Wednesday
Here is my homily from Ash Wednesday, introducing our Lenten themes of Fasting and the Four Marks of a Disciple!